Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Recycling Challenge for You

I was putting a plastic bag from Target in our bag bin when I noticed they now have 10 Ways to Reuse Your Target Bag listed on the side. Here's the list:

1. Tiny Trashcan Liner-definitely use this one!
2. Doggy Duty-we don't have a dog, but some of our neighbors do.
3. Water Balloon-why didn't I think of this sooner?
4. Roadtrip Rubbish-again, very useful!
5. Soggy Laundry-really, it was from swimming!
6. Ice Pack for Head Lump-usually use Ziploc baggies, but this would be better.
7. Toiletry Tote-an leaky shampoo bottle will convince you of the value of this one.
8. Kitty Litter Liner-more like Doggy Duty, but close enough.
9. Tomorrow's Lunchbag-I feel vindicated now!
10. Care Package Padding-actually it was to return a pair of shoes, but same thing.

We've also used them to dispose of a dead rabbit found under our lilac bush. Yuck!

So that's really 11 uses, and I'm sure there's many more. If you don't already, I challenge you to start putting your plastic bags to good use. What do you use them for?

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