Monday, January 07, 2008

Writers' Strike-Blessing or Curse?

I know, I'm the 56,009,247th person to post about the writer's strike. Better late than never, right?

Why is the writers' strike great?
-More time to watch movies. The Netflix account has been getting a workout after being neglected for a while. The irony is that I'm using this time to catch up on a TV series-Battlestar Galactica (the new version). If you get a chance, check it out. It's not campy like the old one.
-I don't feel chained to my television. Even though we have Tivo and rarely watch live TV, you still have to keep up with what's on so you don't get that plot spoiler when your office mates start talking about what they watched last night.
-More time to blog. Although I'll let my reader(s) decide if that's good, bad, or indifferent.

Why does the writers' strike suck?
-Reality TV. I could deal with it if it's interesting bordering on educational, like Top Chef, What Not To Wear, and Meerkat Manor, but Dance Wars and American Gladiators? My IQ just dropped ten points.
-I enjoy the shows that I watch. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't watch them. I'm not pining away here wondering if Sam and Dean from Supernatural are ever going to be back slaying demons, but sometimes you just want to space out in front of the TV.
-Britany Spears. OK, she has nothing to do with it but the media makes her out to be the Devil Incarnate, so might as well blame her for this too.

Looks to me like the strike is mostly a blessing. No matter what, it can't be all that bad for us to maybe put down the remote for a while and start connecting with one another again. Or watch Terminator, the Sarah Conner Chronicles. The previews for that show look pretty good.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, it's been a while since I posted anything! Sorry I've been away, it's been a hectic couple of months. Work has been driving me crazy, and it's probably a good thing I haven't blogged about that. Bank mergers suck, end of story.

But it's not all been bad. If you read Mike's blog you've been keeping up on what we've been doing. A trip to Chicago, Thanksgiving at home with friends, Christmas in Milwaukee, some good movies-that pretty much sums it up.

We didn't do too much for New Years Eve. We were invited to a couple of parties but wanted to go out to dinner and see a movie instead. We tried to go to Farren's, but they were closed and decided to try Nitaya Thai instead. We hadn't heard completely positive things about that place, but you don't know until you try, right? The service was great, but the food was only ok. I had shirmp pad thai, which was rather oily. They also left the tail on the shrimp making it messier to eat. Mike had pad see ew, and while the meat and veggies were good, the noodles were overcooked and mushy. But overall the experience was good, and while we probably won't go back I'm glad we at least tried. After dinner, we headed to Boardman's to see Before the Devil Knows You're Dead. I gave it three stars on Netflix-there were some great performances, but the way the story was told was a little too melodramatic. I think the movie was trying too hard to be like Memento with the flashbacks. We then went home, opened a bottle of wine, and watched a little TV before deciding to watch Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny.

We finished watching the movie this morning (wine makes me sleepy!!!), and haven't done much of anything at all today. It's snowing outside, and both of us are feeling pretty lazy. I've got Italian beef in the crockpot, and the first ever NHL outdoor hockey game in the US on TV-I love hi def! We were invited over to one of my coworker's for the Rose Bowl, but I think we'll just stay home and watch it here instead-I really don't feel like leaving the house! Maybe later we'll pop in Live Free or Die Hard. I'm really enjoying the writers' strike-we're able to catch up with a lot of movies.

More later, but for now Happy New Year!