Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Meet the Cats

As promised, here are the pictures of the girls. As I type this, they're both hanging out on the couch with me.
This is Hershey. She's very affectionate, and actually comes when you call her name. Mike wants to rename her Piggy because she's always at the food dish. She also gets really excited when you change the water dish, she'll jump and try to get at it while you're picking it up.

This is Bootsie. She was very nervous when she first arrived, and is still a little scared of loud noises. She's curled up next to me right now and her tail is on the keyboard, so I'll blame her for any spelling mistakes. She's also very affectionate, and is more of a lap cat than Hershey.

They're both really well adjusted after only a few days. Larry came over tonight, and while Bootise ran away, she came out after a few minutes to say hello, and they've both been out since. It's been interesting so far having two cats. Growing up, we always had cats but only one at a time. They both have distinct personalities, and they get along really well. Right now, you would think that they have always been here. There's always an element of uncertainty when you adopt a new animal, but I think we got lucky. Saturday is their first trip to the vet, so we'll see how that goes. I got a recommendation from a lady at work for a different clinic, so hopefully that will work out.

1 comment:

Dave and Laura said...

They're adorable! Glad you got kitties again! Two girls can be a handful, but I wouldn't trade mine for the world!