Monday, May 07, 2007

Orange Juice and Disgusting Houses

Every week, I make orange juice for Sunday breakfast, and every week, I have leftover juice that we never bother finishing. We also have a freezer full of vodka (that makes us sound like alcoholics, really, it's just martini experimentation!). You would have thought I would have figured it out much earlier, but the light bulb just went on tonight. Take some orange juice, combine with vanilla flavored vodka, and you have a Dreamsicle screwdriver. Admittedly, it's not quite chocolate and peanut butter, but it's pretty good.

So while I'm drinking this concoction, I was watching an episode of Flip This House. If you've not seen this show, it centers around three different companies who buy houses cheap and fix them up fast, with the expectations of making a nice profit. In this episode, the Montelongos from San Antonio chance upon a house that has basically been abandoned. They buy the house without seeing the inside. (!!!!!!) Once the property is theirs, the main guy, Armando, goes inside and finds a disaster area. If this show would have been on Discovery, Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs would come in, taken one look, and ran screaming like a little girl. That's pretty much what every contractor did who came in the house, as well as Armando's family (who are in the business as well). Armando can be kind of a jerk sometimes, he's one of those people who bitch about an $1000 plumbing expense then drives away in his Hummer to his brand new ginormous house. I know that the object of the game is to spend as little as possible so you make as much as you can, but still, at some point you're going to have to pay. Armando gets the house done, but not without a huge financial and emotional cost. As much of a jerk as he can be, I did feel sorry for him at times, although I was also laughing at him. Seriously, why do they buy these houses sight unseen????? It wasn't that cheap! Anyway, if you have cable, check out this show. It's much more entertaining reality TV than some of the crap that's out there.

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