Thursday, September 06, 2007

Guys, is it so hard to follow the beat?

I've been going somewhat regularly to kickboxing classes at the gym, and it's pretty much the same people all the time. It's mostly women, but there are a few guys that show up semi-regularly. These guys drive me nuts. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always that coordinated. Sometimes I zig when I'm supposed to zag, and when the instructor tells us to shake our groove things while pretending to hit a speedbag, well, my groove thing doesn't shake that well. That being said, I look like the picture of grace next to these guys. Fellas, it's not a contest to see who can punch the fastest. Stop and listen to the beat. One, two, three, four. Not onetwothreefour and wait a couple beats to catch up the rest of the class. It's pretty distracting to see your limbs flailing about like a drunken octopus. I understand if the internal metronome may not be working properly, but you do have eyes and you can watch what the rest of the class is doing and follow along. There's one guy in particular who is the worst offender, and I was near him today because I came in late. A couple of times, he was racing ahead of the beat and turned around to wait for the rest of us and almost was introduced to my fists.

If they're this uncoordinated and are hurrying to finish during kickboxing, I feel sorry for their significant others.

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