Thursday, October 04, 2007

Shoes 2, Trixie 0

While in New York I stopped at a Nine West store. I needed a new pair of brown shoes for work, and I found a pair of shoes I really liked.

Heel's a little high, but nothing I can't handle. I have another pair of Nine West shoes that are almost this high and I absolutely love them. I tried these shoes on, and my right foot kept popping out of the back of the shoe. The very helpful salesgirl gave me some pads to put inside, and that seemed to help. So I bought them and brought them home, and I couldn't wait to wear them.

The first day I wore them I didn't do so well. I've learned that even though I sit behind a desk, I need to bring a backup if I'm breaking in a new pair of shoes. I was so confident in the fit I didn't do that. Which means by 10:00 I was taking them off. All of my weight was concentrated in the front of the shoe, so the bottom of my feet really hurt. Plus, the front of the shoe seemed tighter than I remembered. It was so bad I went home for lunch to change shoes. My old shoes are getting pretty ratty, but boy were they comfy after that!

Yesterday I decided to try again. This time I used a second set of pads in the front of the shoe, and took out the pad from my left heel. Walking around at home, it seemed pretty good. Just to be on the safe side, I brought my ratty old shoes with me. Good thing too. The adhesive from the pad started rubbing my foot on the walk in from the parking lot (I have about a block walk), and I literally got in the door and changed shoes. I mean literally-I walked in and sat down in the stairwell. I now have a blister on my foot about the size of a quarter.

When this blister heals up, I am going to try again. This time I will check with my foot doctor, Dr. Scholl, and see if he can recommend anything. I have a pair of Doc Marten sandals that turned my feet into bloody strips the first few times I wore them, but now are ridiculously comfortable. But just in case, I'm going to find another pair of brown shoes......

1 comment:

Dave and Laura said...

I know exactly how you feel! I just bought a killer pair of heels and holy crap do they hurt!!! Of course we went to Dave and Busters the first night I wore them and walked around playing video games all day, but I think they would've hurt no matter what! Maybe I should consult Dr Scholl too!!!