Sunday, March 09, 2008

Not a very good blogger, huh?

The writer's strike is over, guess I better get back to work :) Seriously, I've had some family stuff going on that's not put me in the mood to write. I started a post about it and I'm not sure if it's going to make it out of draft form, but we'll see.

So Mike found this cool site last week called Off and on over the years, I had looked at various software to catalog all of our books, but I never found anything I liked. Librarything isn't software, it's web-based. It's very easy to add books, simply type the author, title, or ISBN. I use the ISBN because I also like to keep track of paperbacks and hardcovers. You can rate the books, mark if you're currently reading it, write review, upload covers, mark when you added it to your collection, there's all sorts of cool things. There's also a neat little widget that lets you show random books from the library on your blog-check it out on the right! I've been working on adding my library, and I noticed it's changing the books on my widget. There's also links to sites that have book swaps, so I might check that out next time I'm ready to thin out my collection.

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