Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Comfortably Numb

Up until a couple of weeks ago, it had been a long time since I had been to a dentist. See, the last dentist I saw made a serious mistake. He told me I had excellent teeth. I interpret that as dentist-ese for "you don't need to worry about your teeth unless you have problems". So, I didn't. Plus, with the move to Champaign, we didn't know the local dentists, didn't have dental insurance....yeah, that's it! But now I have dental insurance, and decided it was time to use it. I got a recommendation from a co-worker, and made my appointment. I did it early enough in the morning so I wouldn't be quite awake yet. It wasn't too bad, he was a nice guy and got my teeth shiny and clean. He did find a cavity, which I didn't even know I had, so we scheduled an appointment to get it removed.

Today was the big day, and I'm happy to report everything went fine. Of course, I can't feel half my face, but I'm okay with that. Before he did it, he asked me if I wanted anesthesia. Hmm..let me think about that.....HECK YEAH!

Plus, this appointment got me out of work early on an exceptionally slow day, so no complaints in that department!

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