Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Time moves on

It's been a while since I blogged, but with Sam's situation and a stressful week at work I haven't felt like it lately. I'm also writing the paper for my Tolkien class. I finally settled on a topic, and I think I'm done-I just need to go back through it and make sure it makes sense. The paper is due on Friday, so I have plenty of time yet. This weekend is my last class-yay!

We've been watching Supergroup on VH1/VH1 Classic. It's like a rock and roll trainwreck-put Ted Nugent with just about anyone and there will be hero worship and/or aggravation. Sebastian Bach is 37 going on 16, and changes his mind every 30 seconds. Evan Seinfeld, Scott Ian, and Jason Bonham make up the rest of the band. There were only about 7 or 8 episodes, so thanks to Tivo it was easy to find them and watch them all. It was really interesting to see not only how they all interacted, but how the creative process evolved. They wrote at least one song together, and it looked like they were working on a ballad. Don't be surprised if you see more of "Damnocracy".

Speaking of VH1/VH1 Classic, who would have ever thought 2o-odd years ago that not only would I watch a VH1 network but actually enjoy it? VH1 is okay, but VH1 Classic is a lot of fun to watch. They play a lot of videos, and a lot of oddball ones as well. They have special theme shows mostly devoted to 80's music, and not just rock and metal. They also play a lot of cool weird alternative videos. Another nice thing is the lack of commercials. They have a few, but it's mostly just promotional stuff for their network. The only downside is if you watch it too much you start to get sick of the "in-between" spots. If I have to hear about pizza night at the dj's house one more time I will throw up.


Laurie said...

LD & I enjoyed watching that one episode of SuperGroup with you guys. If they are all the crazy as that one we may have to invite ourselves over to see some more! ;)

Trixie said...

Anytime :)