Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Regular Wildlife Refuge

Living next to a "borrow pit" lake does have some advantages. If you're a fan of nature, you get to see a lot of wildlife. On a regular basis we have ducks, geese, rabbits, and birds of all sort hanging around. At night you can hear bullfrogs sing. We've even spotted some type of heron, and a coyote running around. We now have a new addition to the backyard family.

Meet the Eastern Ribbon snake.

This isn't the actual snake, he didn't stay still long enough for us to get a picture. Mike's seen him slithering through the grass when he's been out mowing the lawn, and I finally got to take a look at him yesterday. He's about 18 inches long, which means he's a young adult. Their normal size is anywhere from 18-40 inches. They live near water, and eat toads, frogs, fish, and other water creatures. Unfortunately, no insects, and to Mike's dismay, no rabbits. They can be found on the eastern half of the continent, from Canada down to Florida. There's also a Northern ribbon snake, which lives around Canada and the Great Lakes, and a Western ribbon snake. (You can guess where that one lives.) The ribbon snake is also very similar to the Eastern garter snake, which lives in the same areas and habitats. The difference between the two is that the garter has a stockier body, and the lip markings are different. If I'm close enough to a snake to see the lips, I'm too close. Even if it is harmless to humans.

Anyway, there's your nature lesson for today. I've got to finish getting ready to go on our road trip to IKEA-can't wait!!!!


Dave and Laura said...

I love your new knowledge of Ribbon Snakes. I think you may have passed up the zookeeper on that one! Hey, and what ever happened at Ikea??? Did you spend your life savings, did you get a really big item that they magically fold into a small box that can fit neatly under your armpit? Tell me everything! :)

Trixie said...

I was actually surprised I figured it out. I found a website where it would ask "does your snake look like this or like this" and you click on the picture that matches it best to narrow it down. Otherwise I would have no clue!

IKEA was not as cool as it could have been. We went there looking for a bookcase, but of course it was out of stock. We did get a really cool print that's going in the guest bedroom though. But, it was still an adventure!